Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day Tweleve- Feb 24

We went to Charlies Safari With Brooke and Breanna and Kason LOVED it. We have gon many many times before and Kason has always enjoyed him self. This time he found this large foam block to carry around with him, it was so cute because it was almost as big as he was! lol He was So proud of himself!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day Eleven- Feb 23

I went out shopping and came home to find Dannon with her face completely swollen! It freaked me out so much. It was really bad. I had to bring in Kason and Oliver and all the groceries. I called my dad and he said to get her benedryll. I called Rae to ask how much (she works at a vet) and she said i needed the tablets and not the liquid.. well we only had children's liquid and i started to lose it. I called Logan sobbing and he helped me find some in the house that i never would have found. After finally getting her to eat it (sneaking it in peanutbutter) the swelling went right away and she is perfectly fine. We have NO idea what happened or if she got into anything. It was sure scarey!

Day Ten- Feb 22

Logan and I need a bit more income right now, so i decided to start selling a few baby shoes and tote bags.. hopefully it will help. Here is my first finished pair up for grabs monday! yay

Day Nine- Feb 21

We went up to Amy's house on Saturday. It was finally sunny and decent out so we headed outside and played. Andrew loved to push Hannah Slowly and Kason loved to run around or sit behind Hannah on the little bike toy.
Matthew was a huge help and kept getting Kason for my when he tried to make his escapes. Maegan loved showing me all her tricks on her bike and going REALLY fast!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day Eight- Feb 20

We knew our breaks were getting bad and we needed to change them. We were just waiting for our tax return and never thought that they were as bad as they were. I was driving home tonight when the breaks went out. Luckily i did not over react and Kason and I made it home in safety. Logan's friend came over and helped figure everything out and got a plan in place to get everything all fixed!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day Seven- Feb 19

Amy and I started this motivated moms thing. Its to help you clean. My kitchen looks amazing and when everything was put away and cleaned up and swept my kitchen looked so HUGE! such a nice feeling to have a clean beautiful BIG kitchen!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day six- Feb 18

After dinner tonight we went into our living room as normal and we played and ran around and danced to our American Reject CD that i have had since high school. Kason loves it and dances whenever he hears it. After wards I laid down on the couch to watch some TV and Kason came over and brought me a book and he actually laid down on the couch with me and let me read to him for a while.. this is something that is unusual but very appreciated.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day Five- Feb 17

Kason is VERY independent. He always wants to feed himself, drink from cups, put on and off his own shoes and socks, and loves to play alone doing his own thing. He is also not a big cuddlier or kisser. He will do it on his own terms and will defiantly push you away if its not what he wants at that time. Apparently this is NOT what he wanted to do today! lol

Day Four- Feb 16

We had spent almost the whole day DRIVING home from our weekend up in Vancouver and Ferndale. It was a great weekend but it was sure nice to be home!! Its great sunny weather like we had on the way home that makes me want to get outside and play, and clean up my house and make it all pretty and organized. I can't wait for spring!

Day Three- Feb 15

We drove up to Vancouver After we bought our new car. It was just us three and we visited the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge, Stanley Park, and drove to the Granville Island market but traffic was horrible and we left. We then spent an hour and a half at the border to get back into Washington! It was SO busy and crazy. Kason wanted nothing to do with just sitting in his seat so we let him sit on our laps while we waited in the forever long line! He loved it! This is the only shot of all 3 of us that we got all weekend long!

Day two- Feb 11

We drove up to Canada to get our new car and we stayed at Uncle Steve and Aunt Marilynn's house in Ferndale. You Loved hanging out with everyone and getting attention. You thought that this plastic dish would make a PERFECT hat...

Day One Feb 13

I started on the 13th but didnt make the blog until today so im catching up a bit...

Day one- We were going swimming with Brooke and Breanna and Kason was excited about his floaty toy!! As soon as i blew it up he climbed into it and waited there until we left to go to the pool! my silly boy! :)


I have not uploaded any pictures from our Trip to Canada which will be day one of my 365. I am starting later than everyone else because well i procrastinated and didnt think i would like to do this, but i do and so i am. I hope you enjoy a year in the life of the McGee's!