Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day Thirty Three- March 17

Today is St. Patricks day. I love it. I went to put green on Kason this morning and ended up spending 10 minutes then realized that he has NO GREEN clothes! seriously?? So i found a pair of overalls that were a darkish green in the next size up.. I HATE overalls so i hesitated but finally just stuck them on him. He did pull them off well. He has only worn overalls a few times before (they were cameo shortalls) He fidgeted with them for a bit not knowing what is was all about..

Day Thirty Two- March 16

Kason is one independent child. Its crazy how independent he could be. Today he really wanted to feed himself.. so i let him have at it... Oatmeal everywhere but he was happy.. no complaints here.

Day Thirty one- March 15

Didnt take a picture today. Nothing really important happened. We hung around the house, went to church and visited with Logan's dad and step mom at their house. Katie and Richard were down from Canada. It was nice to meet Richard and see Katie again.

Day Thirty- March 14

We went over to Grandma Fitzgeralds house on Saturday night. Kason loved playing with all the toys that were older than mommy and daddy. he also knew where all the candy was, smart kid! Here he is with a lid to a candy dish using it as a phone.

Day Twenty nine- March 13

I found this shirt at the dollar store and had to buy it. Its logan's school colors from highschool and thought it was super cute. Kason looked adorable in it, but for some reason he didnt think so. he was upset about getting his picture taken.. and this picture crakcs me up.. its like "seriously mom? seriously"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day Twenty Eight- March 12

a new page i made in my art journal. It cracks me up! i love it.

Day Twenty Seven- march 11

Kason has been super cranky lately because of his teeth. He is getting way too many teeth at one time and he is growing on top of it all! poor kid!